Office Address

Lot 111, The Flore Complex, Floreal, Mauritius

Phone Number

(+230) 5250 7261

It’s almost two years since SILVERFIN LLP – (“SILVERFIN”) was registered as a partnership with the Registrar of Limited Liability Partnerships. SILVERFIN was duly approved by MIPA and FRC as a member firm of accountants and as an audit firm respectively in 2023.

Since its inception, SILVERFIN has faced a number of challenges. Despite all this, SILVERFIN has managed to establish itself as a trustworthy and respectable firm. We have built a strong foundation and achieved financial stability.

2024 has seen the departure of Youvraj Madhub as partner in SILVERFIN, due to his relocation abroad. Our deepest thanks and gratitude to him for his valuable contributions and we wish him well.

In our strategy for growth, we are thrilled to welcome two new members at SILVERFIN, Luchmee Arunachalam and Claire Wong. They are both professional accountants with a wide breadth of knowledge and experience. SilVERFIN is thus contributing on the gender and diversity fronts.

Luchmee is a FCCA and member of the MIoD. Until recently, she held the position as Senior Finance Manager and served as Director of the Mauritian operations of one of the biggest listed US companies. She trained and qualified with a big-4 audit firm.  She has completed a comprehensive training program on AML/CFT laws and regulations.

Claire is a FCCA and trained and qualified with a big – 4 audit firm. She held various key positions in the Finance department with some major local players namely in e-commerce, manufacturing, broadcasting and global business.

Going forward, SILVERFIN’s new structure is as below:

  • Jaiyansing (Shailen) Soobah: signing partner – audit;
  • Sandeep Fakun: partner – strategy and marketing;
  • Luchmee Arunachalam: partner – audit operations and administration; and
  • Claire Wong: client accounting, outsourcing, Quality Control and Compliance.

SILVERFIN’s core values and motto remain “Professionalism and passion at work! ”.

As we settle into our new structure, we are embracing our future with confidence and SILVERFIN reaching new heights.

Dated this 16th day of April 2024

Sandeep Fakun, FCCA, TEP