Office Address

Lot 111, The Flore Complex, Floreal, Mauritius

Phone Number

(+230) 5250 7261


If You Need Any Help Contact With Us

(+230) 5250 7261

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    We undertake all routine company secretarial work, including preparation of minutes, resolutions, updating of statutory registers and filing of forms at the CRBD. We also incorporate companies and can arrange for them to be dissolved and the reinstatement of companies that have been struck off.

    Using our company secretarial services takes away the burden of aspects of your business of having a full-time resource and keep your business streamlined.

    We can review the governance structure of your business to ensure you are operating in the most efficient and effective manner and that you are complying with the governance requirements of prevailing legislations. We may also set up a governance structure if you do not have one.

    Are you required by law to submit a corporate governance report but have no expertise to do it. No problem, we can draft the corporate governance report for you.

    Risk management is the process of identifying, assessing and controlling risks/threats to an organization’s capital and earnings. These risks stem from a variety of sources, including financial uncertainties, legal liabilities, technology issues, strategic management errors, accidents and natural disasters. We can set up a risk management framework for your business.

    If you believe it is too cumbersome for you or do not have the resources to do it internally, you may as well outsource the risk management function to us.

    It is essential for your business to understand your corporation tax filing requirements. You will also benefit from knowing whether all tax-saving opportunities have been exploited — that’s where, as your tax advisor, we can help your business and your expatriates in their personal tax matters.

    Value Added Tax (or VAT) can be one of the most complex taxes for businesses to deal with on a day-to-day basis. We are here to help you address this complex matter, giving you one less thing to worry about and allowing you to focus all of your attention back on your core business.

    Whether you are setting up a new business and you have an existing one, all require careful planning, but many only think about it when faced with an issue – for example, to seek investment or to acquire a bank loan. Get ahead of the curve by utilising our business planning service, whether for set up or business planning.

    The day-to-day accountancy functions of a business such as bookkeeping, administrative and management are essential for all businesses but time-consuming. Today’s successful companies maximise their time spent on profit-making core activities by outsourcing their routine / administrative functions to professional firms. We are here to assist in your success. Get in touch with us.

    We provide customised training, which can be face-to-face or virtual, to your employees, senior management and board of directors on various topics including AML/CFT, compliance, data protection, risk management and governance.